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Released Dec 1965 From the Rubber Soul album
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A Walk in the Woods Alison Conway CHAS
Watercolour & Mixed Media

Bluebell Wood Alison Conway CHAS Watercolour

Spring in the Arboretum Mary Wood CHAS Watercolour

A Stormy Night Mary Wood CHAS Watercolour

Through My Window
Jane Miller
Mixed Media

Autumn Scilla Gallop CHAS Mixed Media
I think this is my first attempt at using soft pastel over acrylic and ink.

Red Tree Scilla Gallop CHAS Pastel
I painted most of this picture sitting looking at the tree in the Botanic Gardens.

Bogle Hole Yorkshire Ruth Medhurst CHAS Acrylic
A reminder of sunny walks along the North Yorkshire coastal path.

Onward and Upward Jana Charl Mixed Media
Created in Berlin as part of a mixed-media series inspired by looking up at the sky through tree branches. I sewed canvas from Úbeda, Spain, to canvas from a Turkish Market in Berlin... and painted and embroidered with art supplies from both countries.,
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